Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Inflammatory What Is The Best Anti-inflammatory Medicine That There Is ?

What is the best anti-inflammatory medicine that there is ? - inflammatory

I have a cat that needs a good medicine as soon as possible.

Please do not tell me that the idiots who brought him to a vet!

When I eat him to a vet the other cats and to die to be nice and tell me what is the best anti - inflammatory there, please!


Tink said...

It is a human anti-inflammatory, that non-prescription medicines that do not kill the cat (kidney damage, internal bleeding, etc. can be purchased.) Plain Simple Truth.

Take the cat to the vet - I am not an idiot.
Contact the Humane Society and tell them you can not afford to feed their cats because of financial difficulties.
They have special programs for such events, where the cost of care but little or no costs for food.

Good luck and best wishes to you all

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